News, views, culture and cuisine, wine, recipes, DMC team members profile, where to shop, concerts, fiestas and so much more.

GTAlk is intended to be an on-line destination magazine to give you an insight into life in our destinations as well as the normal MICE news on new venues.

Save a DOUBLOON or two!

While Christmas is a time of spending at GTA our thoughts have turned to one of albamy DMC’s services that may save you a doubloon or two on your next German exhibition design and build.

Is creating and managing the build of a stand or exhibition booth in the UK always the best solution for overseas exhibitions!!!

Maybe not – especially in Germany where our creative German DMC, albamy, can do it all in Germany.

Check out the case study of Holiday Pirates by simply downloading the PDF below

albamy_Case Study_Stand building_Germany_Tradeshows

albamy_Case Study_Stand building_Pictures Germany