
GTAste – All overseas Meetings, Incentives Conferences and other Events offer opportunities for different experiences and sensations. GTAste is intended to explore some of those experiences through the flavours, festivals, fashion and more of our destinations.

Under GTAste you can explore the flavours  and scents of delightful food from our destinations (recipes you can try at home) and read of  destination wines. Some of our recipes will be from the DMCs home “kitchen”. While Switzerland, Morocco, The Balearics and Malta produce some great wines they are either not available in the UK or are hard to find – shame you will have to visit the destination to try their wine!

If you do try any of our recipes or wines please post feedback on GTA’s Facebook or tweet your experience.

Great Tastes

Try out some great recipies from our countries.

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  • Bhutan is Gross?!?!

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  • Where else but India!

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  • Munich is Marvellous – Made for MICE in all seasons!

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  • Wow Warsaw with Magnificent Mazury!

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  • Pulling A Cork On Cyprus Wineries

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  • Scintillating Sicily – the rewarding incentive travel island!

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  • Moscow & St Petersburg, where your events can be Absolutely Faberge!

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  • Check out Inspiring India & Superlative Sri Lanka!

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  • Indian Buttered Chicken Makhani – Priya’s Favourite Recipe!

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  • Makowiec – A Traditional Polish Dessert Recipe

Deutschland: Destination Different – Wiesbaden

#incentivesgermany, #wiesbaden, #frankfurt, #teambuildinggermany, dmcgermany

“Wine pleases the heart and joyfulness is the mother of all virtues.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749 – 1832, German poet)GTA loves this quote

Just over 30 minutes from Frankfurt lies one of the oldest spa towns in Europe.
Wiesbaden has catered to people from countries near and far for many centuries; right back to the Romans who knew it as “Aquis Mattiacis”.

To give your delegates a real luxurious spoil why not take a day out to go “Meadow Bathing” in one of Wiesbaden‘s Thermal Spas?

‘Meadow Baths’ is the literal translation of Wiesbaden, whose journey to world fame was begun by the Romans’ penchant for bathing in hot, healthy, mineral-rich waters.

The Romans introduced more than their love of bathing in hot mineral waters, they also brought grapes and wine!
What the Romans started the “locals” finished and a number of current notable wineries have a centuries-old history.

So, given your delegates senses and health are pampered they might also wish to take time to be virtuous?
Why not add in a winery visit and enjoy your virtue – your group will be spoilt for choice!

Great wine deserves, of course, great food and the options for lunch and dinner range from Michelin starred, through Michelin Guide and down.

For team building you could add a cookery class to the winery, or try one of the river-based activities?

Or, if you want something unusual how about a mini Olympics in the dark?!
Black Light Olympics offers team games with a difference that can include table tennis, office golf, darts and even basketball!

And for dinner the night before why not set the tone and try a Dining in The Dark “Blind Experience”?
Incentives groups might like to time their stay to coincide with one of the many fun-packed festivals. Aside from the obvious wine festival they may enjoy festivals based on street theatre, folklore, music arts and cuisine.

Festivals season starts at the end of March and finishes at the end of September, whichever you choose there is plenty of wine and food.

And, of course, Wiesbaden has some good hotel options and amazing gala dinner venues!